The Bregar Family Christmas Photo
The Bregar's and Kowalke's celebrated Christmas in Chicago with Melissa and Adam! We brought warm dry weather from California - there was no snow. We were a little disappointed not to experience a white Christmas but with all the walking we did, it was nice to do it in 30 and 40 degree temperature (well, it did drop into the 20's at night)!

The family got together at the new Chesdan's in Homer Glen. The place brought back memories for Michael who grew up with the original Chesdan's on 47th Street. As we walked into Chesdan's, we actually experienced a few minutes of the briefest of snow flurries! Ray, Stephanie, Shelly, Ron, and Brian joined the Bregar (Michael, me, Melissa and Matthew) and Kowalke (Scott, Paula, Adam and Mae) clans!

We tried to recreate some parts of our Christmas traditions between Wat's loft and Melissa's apartment. I brought our needlepoint Christmas stockings and the ceramic manger scene. And we bought a spruce Christmas tree! During the day, Adam's aunt Cathy and friend Andy stopped by. We played games and Matt and Melissa built their traditional gingerbread house (with help from Mae). We attended Christmas Eve service at the Fourth Presbyterian Church across the street from Melissa's place. It was so different from Bayside but very very nice! Then back to Melissa's for Christmas Eve dinner and a night of games and a Skype call with Grandma and Auntie!
Christmas Day was spent at Wat's loft. We made garlic prime rib, green bean casserole, rice, arugula salad, appetizers, desserts, drinks! Aunt Cathy and Melissa's boss Laura joined the 8 Bregar/Kowalke's for dinner. It was a great time followed by games and conversations! Cousin Patty and her family and cousin Ray stopped by as well.

Cousin Ray stopped by!!!!!!!!!

Aunt Cathy joined us for dinner!

Laura stopped by for dinner!!!!

Happy Hannukah to Laura!!!!!!

Patty, Angel & Titus stopped by!
The Bregar-Kowalke Christmas photo!
Scott, Paula, Melissa, Mae and Adam

The Cylons salute
(they were the enemy Cylons in a game we played)
It was a great week in Chicago! Unfortunately Wat and Yoshiko were in Okinawa so we missed them. But I was able to speak with Ryugo and Mika, who were in Georgia and Wat, in Okinawa! I wished I had more time to have driven up north to visit Lucille and Dan and Lai, and the Mita's and Iku. Next time!